The Chamber of Commerce/EDA Rebrands
December 22, 2020
The Clarksdale Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Foundation
Launches New Brand Identity, Marketing Tools.
The Clarksdale Coahoma County Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Foundation and the Economic Development Authority of Coahoma County collectively has a new name and a new marketing direction, according to Jon Levingston, the organizations’ executive director.
The newly-branded Crossroads Economic Partnership has recently launched its new website, to promote economic development and chamber membership in Clarksdale and Coahoma County.
As part of the marketing initiative, the Crossroads Economic Partnership is adopting a new tagline, “We’ve Come Together to Make a New Day.” In addition to the new website and interactive maps, two videos are being created and a social media campaign will be launched in January.
“During the past three years, our five economic development announcements have reflected the fact that we have been experiencing a new day in Clarksdale and Coahoma County,” Levingston said. “But our organization’s brand didn’t reflect this new reality. Clarksdale and Coahoma County have benefited from an exceptional ecosystem of leadership that has helped us land new companies, expand existing industries, and grow jobs in the past three years.”
Clarksdale and Coahoma County have become an unexpected leader in economic development in Mississippi recently, announcing new industries such as PeopleShores and Image Industries, and expansions at Saf-T-Cart and MAP of Easton since 2018. Additionally, PeopleShores and Automation Anywhere have collaborated on the Robotic Process Automation Center of Excellence located in the PeopleShores building, bringing tech training and jobs to the Mississippi Delta.
“These new jobs are changing not only the quality of life in our county but literally changing lives,” Levingston said. “We are telling the story to the world that we have a workforce that not only wants to work, but is well qualified to do any type of job, including high tech. We’ve proven that. Now we have to let companies know. This new marketing endeavor will do that.”
“Our city has seen unprecedented economic growth these past three and a half years. That success reflects the efforts of so many in our community working together to make a new day here in Clarksdale,” said Clarksdale Mayor Chuck Espy. “We applaud the Chamber, the Industrial Foundation, and the Economic Development Authority for spearheading this new marketing effort.”
“I have long believed our marketing should reflect the opportunities our County offers businesses looking to relocate, in addition to our track record of assisting existing manufacturers. Our new website, name, and tagline better reflects our commitment to economic development as well as our desire to bring greater opportunities to all the citizens of Coahoma County,” said Johnny Newson, President of the Coahoma County Board of Supervisors.
Reflecting on the decision to rebrand, Chamber of Commerce President, Dianne Mitchell, added,” “It has been a goal of the Chamber for some time to rebrand and refresh the image of our organization to better reflect the many positive changes occurring in our community. I am so proud of our new, vibrant, and dynamic website which more accurately depicts our beloved community and its wonderful people.”
“We are excited about our new name, which really defines who we are: a partnership of local, state, and federal leaders working together to create a more sustainable, safe, and healthy community for all our citizens. I am proud to be a part of this effort,” said Industrial Foundation President Ed Peacock.
The organizations selected Marketing Alliance, Inc. to create and implement the comprehensive marketing campaign. Marketing Alliance is a nationally recognized economic development marketing firm with offices in Jackson, MS; Punta Gorda, FL; and Waco, TX. The firm has over 300 clients in 27 states.
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