MAP of Easton will expand manufacturing facility here
April 4, 2018
MAP of Easton Inc. announced a plant expansion on Wednesday, March 28, that will lead to 24 to 40 new jobs coming to Clarksdale and represent an increase of at least $1 million to the city payroll.
The late John D’Amico Sr. founded the company in 1972 and the main offices are in Pennsylvania. There are also plants in Indiana and Michigan.
MAP of Easton Inc. came to Clarksdale in 2000, leases its building on Highway 322 from the city and has 60 employees. There were 51 employees at the beginning of the calendar year. The expansion is expected to give the company close to 100 employees.
The new employees are expected to be local.
“We, obviously, like Clarksdale,” said John D’Amico, president of MAP of Easton. “We want to stay in Clarksdale and we want to use the Clarksdale people as much as possible. Our biggest issue with Clarksdale is not the workers. It’s more the skilled workers to hiring mechanics and hiring management type of people.”
Jobs will include production, quality control, maintenance and management positions. D’Amico said there will be training opportunities for unskilled employees. Hiring is expected to begin in the next three weeks.
According to D’Amico Jr., the company currently has 675 employees.
MAP of Easton Inc. manufactures products including automotive, architectural and acousta-art.
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